Sometimes within a single project there is a requirement for both an FPGA and a classical CPU, so that complex program flows can be implemented simply. One solution in such situations is a processor realized within an FPGA. While it is possible to purchase such ‘soft cores’, they are not usually particularly cheap, and so in this article we look at a simple homebrew CPU in an FPGA. Thanks to the open-source code it is possible to modify the design to suit your own purposes. To this we add a DIY C compiler, which can also be extended. And, as usual, the series of articles describing the project will expand on the theory by including as many practical examples as possible.
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Gnat 6 years ago
Cost of Trenz Electronic TEI0001-03-08-C8 - MAX1000 - IoT Maker Board €26.18.
Shipping costs make the board expensive. I wanted to order from Europe to avoid customs hassle.
Any ideas?
ANTONY 6 years ago
Total €26.34 + free overnight shipping
Gnat 6 years ago
The link "myAltera Account" in the MAX1000 User Guide to Intel to register for software can only be used if you have already registered.
The direct link to the registration page is:
Failing that, register for an Intel account to access the software:
At the bottom of the page, click on "Browse support"
Click on "My Intel"
Under Register, click on "Register now for an individual account"
Fill out registration form and submit.