Interactive Emissions Trading Scheme map launched

An interactive map compiling up-to-date information on the status and design of Emissions Trading Schemes around the world has been launched by the International Carbon Action Partnership (ICAP) and Ecofys. The project was made possible by the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment.

The recent Climate Change Conference in Doha reinforced the interest of governments and industries in Emissions Trading Schemes (ETS) as a cost-effective way to mitigate climate change. The unique Interactive ETS Map follows the pace of ETS developments around the world and will be updated on a continuous basis as new information becomes available.

Ecofys developed the structure and design of the Interactive ETS Map in close cooperation with ICAP and played an important role in collecting much of the underlying ETS-data. The map is now hosted on the ICAP website at “ICAP’s aim is to contribute to the establishment of a well-functioning global cap and trade carbon market by providing participating jurisdictions the opportunity to share best practice and learn from each other's experiences.

A crucial element to pave the road to compatible domestic schemes is to facilitate knowledge sharing on the respective ETS designs,” said Leif Ervik, ICAP Co-Chair and Director General at Norway’s Finance Ministry. “The interactive map will not only be a useful resource to ICAP members and observers, but will also act as a central starting point for all stakeholders interested in gaining knowledge in ETS around the world,” he added.

The map currently covers 29 jurisdictions, including 8 with an ETS in force, 9 where implementation of an ETS is scheduled and 12 where an ETS is under consideration. It conveys succinct information on key ETS design elements. These include emissions caps and industry sectors covered as well as the number of entities participating in each scheme, the various phases and their allocation modalities. Users can also examine and compare the use of offsets and the measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) systems.

Emissions trading is a complex field of activity. “Our map helps by providing a clear overview of the current information publicly available. Stakeholders can avoid lengthy searches across countries and languages by using this one-stop-shop for a first impression of the ETSs around the world,” said Alyssa Gilbert, unit manager for market based mechanisms at Ecofys.

The Interactive ETS Map can be accessed at