Have you tried incorporating a Maxim Integrated ultra-low-power MAX78000 microcontroller in an artificial intelligence (AI) application? If not, what are you waiting for? As Elektor engineer Clemens Valens explains, getting started is simple. If you have developed a project, we encourage you to gather all your documentation and photos and enter the MAX78000 AI Design Contest before the June 30, 2021, deadline.

The MAX78000 AI Design Contest

Engineers and electronics makers around the globe are encouaged to enter MAX78000-based AI projects in the Design Contest. If you incorporate a MAX78000 in an innovative design project and then properly enter the contest, you will be eligible to win a portion of €3,500 in prizes as well as recognition in Elektor magazine.

The submission deadline is June 30, 2021. An independent panel of judges will select the top three winners based on technical merit, originality, and design optimization. Prizes:
  • First Prize (€ 2,000)
  • Second Prize (€ 1,000)
  • Third Prize (€ 500)

The winners will be posted on July 15, 2021, on the Contest page. Read the Rules, Terms, Contest before you participate.

The MAX78000

The Maxim Integrated MAX78000FTHR development platform is based on the MAX78000 Arm Cortex M4F processor with an integrated Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) accelerator, which is ideal for AI applications running at the edge (e.g., in your home or in a vehicle). The flexible platform enables fast proof-of-concepts. Refer to the following helpful resources for additional information.
You can use the MAX78000 in a variety of exciting applications. Add AI capabilities to low-power devices without needing a connection to the Internet. Watch this webinar.

Good luck!