"During embedded world, all the key players, experts and industry associations from the embedded systems sector come together. This not only offers a unique opportunity for networking, but also the chance to learn about the latest technologies at first hand," says Executive Director Benedikt Weyerer.
Credits: NürnbergMesse/Thomas Geiger
You can get insights into all sectors of the embedded system industry – from hardware to software and electronic displays to IC&IP design. And with the voucher code ELE4ew25 you will receive a free permanent ticket in the TicketShop.

Take a first look at the exciting products at ew25

You can find detailed descriptions of the exhibitors and products at embedded world 2025 on the website. You can also use the interactive floor plan to click your way through the halls today.

We wish you a successful trade fair preparation and happy holidays!
Special holiday greetings from Martina Hutter, Director Marketing, and Benedikt Weyerer, Executive Director of embedded world.