We have found a name for the electronics project support platform featured on Elektor LABS: Elektor Jumpstarter. In accordance with Elektor's motto "Learn > Design > Sell," we developed Elektor Jumpstarter to help innovators turn their creative electronics projects into products. With Elektor Jumpstarter and the support of our community, you can realize your dream of bringing an electronics product to market!  

The Elektor Jumpstarter Story

The project started several months ago with a question: How we can promote and finance electronics projects? We soon encountered the usual solutions, such as Kickstarter or other crowdfunding sites. While many of those platforms we interesting, they did not focus specifically on electronics projects. Therefore, we decided to develop our own funding platform for electronics ideas. Since we already had the Elektor LABS platform (with proven technology already in place), we built a new add-on to our Elektor LABS page.

Once the platform was ready, we had another difficult question to answer: What should we call it? To help answer the question, we naturally turned to Elektor's community of electrical engineers, makers, and electronics enthusiasts. We sent out a survey to find a suitable name, and after three months and hundreds of submissions, a top 10 list was created and evaluated again internally. And now we have a clear winner Elektor Jumpstarter!

Survey Winners

We thank all the Elektor community members who participated in the survey and suggested the name Elektor Jumpstarter. Here are the winners from the survey:
  • Nguyen Hoan Hoang
  • Louter van der Kolk
  • "Atesh Pan"
  • John Phillips

As a reward for their input, we send each of the winners a €100 Elektor Store voucher. 

How Does Elektor Jumpstarter Work?

Elektor Jumpstarter is a platform intended to help innovators turn their electronics projects into products. It is a place where project developers can share new visions for electronics projects with a community that can support and fund them. Anyone interested in participating can submit their project through the Elektor LABS project page and then activate the little rocket.

If the project is approved by the Elektor engineering team, we will discuss funding and scheduling. After that, it will be decided if the product will be included in the program. From that moment on, the project can be supported by all readers and community members. When the minimum quantity of pledges is reached, production can actually start.

Pilot Project

Attentive observers have probably noticed that we launched a pilot project with the LCR Meter.

Pilot Project - LCR Meter

The minimum number of supporters was reached within two months and the project was fully funded. The next phase is production, which probably would not have been possible without community support. This is a true milestone for the developer Jean-Jacques Aubry.

We are proud of the results so far, and we are happy to now make Elektor Jumpstarter available to everyone. The Elektor Jumpstarter platform and Elektor Store are here to support our community. Together let's design, share, and sell electronics! 

Submit Your Project

Ready to take the next step with your project and ask the Elektor community for support? Then submit your project on Elektor LABS today and activate project support!