If there's a project that will appeal to the internet, it will involve a cat. Add a 3D-printed enclosure and a Raspberry Pi for the makers out there, and YouTuber MostElectronics has your attention. What more could one want? How about a cool name such as the “The Kitty 3000 Cat Treat Dispenser?”
The Kitty 3000 Cat Treat Dispenser. Source: MostElectronics on YouTube

While not exactly an urgent problem seeking a solution, we know the tabby isn’t complaining about the convenience.

The Build

The project is based on a Raspberry Pi 3B and a stepper motor and its driver.
The Kitty 3000 is built around Raspberry Pi and a stepper motor. Source: MostElectronics on YouTube

Built around a Raspberry Pi and a stepper motor with associated driver, the project is simple enough that it can be implemented on other micro platforms. We know that the full-scale Raspberry Pis are difficult to get at a decent price lately, so perhaps you don’t want to dedicate one to keeping kitty entertained. However, since the respositories for this project are broken up into the code on GitHub that runs in a web browser plus the Python code that runs on the Pi, you could opt for a much simpler controller (say, a Raspberry Pi Pico), and still use the 3D-printed enclosure, as its 3D enclosure STL is published separately on Thingiverse.
The Kitty 3000’s enclosure is 3D-printed and houses a stepper motor. It’s easy to use it with another type of microcontroller.

Regardless of how you put it together, we know you will have happy customers.
One happy customer.
A happy cat.