Welcome to Lab Talk, our livestream on YouTube where our editors and engineers bring you information, insights and experiences from the world of electronics. In the next episode (July 28 at 18:00 CEST), we're going to talk about short circuits. But why?

You've finally assembled and powered your first circuit board and then the magic smoke escaped? Short circuits can happen. Whether it's due to solder bridges, incorrect routing on the PCB, or a mishap during assembly.

In this episode of Lab Talk, we'll talk about these things. We'll give you some insight into the lessons we've learned and some advice we can give. We'll also talk about how to find them, what equipment to use, and why a PCB is usually reworked three times before it's released.

Something went wrong, can you spot the short?

If you would also like to share your experiences with us or contribute your tips and tricks to this talk, feel free to join our livestream on YouTube starting at 18:00 CEST, Elektor TV.

Once again, we have prepared a nice little giveaway that one of our liveviewer can win: a Velleman mini PC oscilloscope. And if you can't attend live for LabTalk, don't worry. The recording will be available soon after the show (but you miss the chance to win the giveaway...).