If you’re anything like me, you’ve managed to gain some mastery over digital software and hardware, especially at lower frequencies, where things either work or don’t.

Yes, I had a giant 4.8 m satellite dish in the 90s and did my share of installing television antennas and satellite dishes, but the intricacies of wave guides, quarter-wave dipoles, shoving a dielectric slab into the LNB for circular polarization, interference cancellation, dangling-stub notch filters, VHF/UHF combiners, and the like were always a bit esoteric to me, maybe even magic.

Meet Baltic Lab’s Sebastian

Of course, Sebastian is no magician - he just knows a lot about this stuff. He creates fascinating RF and high-frequency content on his YouTube channel, as well as his blog, in both English and German! From spark gap transmitters to DSP, SDR receivers to what’s inside a C-Band LNB.

And now, you have the chance to meet him live in our Elektor Engineering Insights: Meet the Maker show on May 29 at 16:00 CEST (10:00 AM EDT / 14:00 UTC).

Having first contributed to Elektor in 2008, he is no stranger to bringing the complexities of analog information transfer to eager readers and viewers. Join us as I ask him to walk me through some of the creative and ingenious projects and experiments he has come up with in over a decade of writing and vlogging.

When and Where?

Online livestream event: Elektor Engineering Insights — Meet the Maker: Baltic Lab
Date: Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Time: 16:00 CEST (that's 10:00 AM EDT, 14:00 UTC)

Sign up below:

Oh, and bring your questions!