Microchip Technology has introduced the PIC64 portfolio of microprocessors (MPUs) to address the rising demands of modern embedded designs. Enhanced power efficiency, hardware-level security, and high reliability are required for real-time, compute-intensive applications like smart embedded vision and machine learning.

Wide Range of Applications

The PIC64 family establishes Microchip as a single-vendor provider for MPUs, supporting various markets needing real-time and application-class processing. The first product, the PIC64GX MPUs, is designed for intelligent edge applications in industries such as industrial, automotive, communications, IoT, aerospace, and defense.

“Microchip is a leader in 8- 16- and 32-bit embedded solutions and, as the market evolves, so must our product lines. The addition of our 64-bit MPU portfolio allows us to offer low-, mid- and high-range compute processing products,” said Ganesh Moorthy, CEO and President of Microchip Technology. “The PIC64GX is the first of several 64-bit MPUs designed to support the intelligent edge and address a broad range of performance requirements across all market segments.”

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Technical Highlights

The PIC64GX features a 64-bit RISC-V quad-core processor with Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) and deterministic latencies, capable of running Linux, real-time operating systems, and bare metal. It includes a quad-core processor, a fifth microcontroller-class monitor, and a 2 MB flexible L2 cache running at 625 MHz.

Compatibility and Tools

The PIC64GX MPUs offer pin-compatibility with Microchip’s PolarFire SoC FPGA devices and benefit from Microchip’s ecosystem of tools and supporting software, aiding in configuration, development, debugging, and qualification.

Spaceflight Computing

Microchip is also launching the PIC64 High-Performance Spaceflight Computing (PIC64-HPSC) family for aerospace and defense applications, expected to enhance compute performance by over 100 times with unprecedented radiation and fault tolerance.

Future Outlook

With the PIC64 portfolio, Microchip becomes the only embedded provider developing 8-, 16-, 32-, and 64-bit MCUs and MPUs. Future PIC64 families will include RISC-V or Arm architectures, enabling faster design, debugging, and verification, reducing time to market. For more information, visit Microchip Direct.

News Source: Our partners - eeNews Europe 

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