The first World Ethical Electronics Forum (WEEF) is fast approaching! The pioneer event — which will take place online and in person in Munich on November 18, 2021 — will feature stimulating open discussions about many of the important ethical issues facing the electronics industry. Would you like to participate? In addition to attending the event (online or in person), you can contribute a video or article about an ethics-related topic. 

Submit Videos

Elektor kicked off the first DIY electronics movement in the 20th century. Since 1961, we have consistently challenged engineers and makers to innovate while considering the impact of their work. Do you have a short video that would inspire your fellow innovators to make ethical choices when it comes to purchasing components, creating new technologies, or running electronics-related companies? If so, we would like to hear from you. The WEEF team is looking for short videos to feature between panel discussions and speeches at WEEF 2021. If you have a video, please email Shenja Panik

Submit Articles  

Today’s engineers and makers must consider the consequences of their work as they introduce new electronic products and projects to the market. Do you have helpful ethics-related insights or tips to share with your peers? If so, consider writing and submitting an article or essay. Elektor is looking for articles on a wide variety of topics, including green technology, digitalization, and sustainability. 

The WEEF 2021 Program

The WEEF team's mission is to inspire global innovators in electronics with an open discussion about ethics and sustainable development goals. On November 18, the program will feature informative lectures and in-depth discussions about ethical issues important to the electronics community. Notable electrical engineers, academics, tech journalists, and electronics industry leaders will address several important topics.

  • Dirk Akemann (SEGGER)
  • Johannes Brenner (Leuchtturm-Unternehmen)
  • Markus Brenner (brematronic)    
  • Margot Cooijmans (Philips Foundation)
  • Stuart Cording (Elektor)
  • Dr. Carsten Emde (OSADL)
  • Priscilla Haring-Kuipers (Journalist)    
  • Prof. Dr. Stefan Heinemann (FOM)
  • Dr. Paula Palade (Jaguar/Land Rover)
  • Amir Sherman (Edge Impulse)
  • Dirk Stans (Eurocircuits)
  • Johann Wiesböck (ELEKTRONIKPRAXIS)
  • And more

Key topics:
  • Eco-friendly electronics manufacturing and PCB design
  • E-waste management solutions
  • The importance of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • The social impact of AI and machine learning
  • Green electronics
  • Low-power electronic design
  • Social impact and CSR projects

And much more. Join us!