| Magna Parva has won a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to develop the technology to allow large structures such as radio anten...
| Magna Parva has won a contract from the UK Ministry of Defence (MoD) to develop the technology to allow large structures such as radio anten...
| The creator of Linux, Linus Torvalds, believes ARM doesn't have the ability to overhaul Intel's x86 infrastructure because of the latter's o...
| Flying a drone is fun, but building one is rewarding, and it isn't just for hardware nerds and drone racers anymore. The new Flybrix kit, de...
| A University of Maryland student team has once again achieved new aviation heights, this time by successfully lifting a helicopter and passe...
| In good psychedelic fashion, singer Kevin Parker from Tame Impala usually performs barefooted. I’m not sure if he’d want a pair, but the lat...
| German industry colossus Bosch is proposing a new data exchange standard, Production Performance Management Protocol (PPMP), for the Industr...
| Good news: researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology have developed a fabric capable of harvesting energy from both sunshine and motion...
| Ranking high in the BadCap Top-5 is the electrolytic variant, especially the “can” type in equipment produced between 1950 and 1975 roughly....
| If we are to believe the industry pundits and stock brokers, there’s nothing to stop the IoT from “going avalanche” in terms of business res...
| We know that embedded technology has the potential of enthusing large crowds, including Elektor readers, but any of this tech stuff making i...