Are you curious about the new Raspberry Pi AI Kit that we featured recently? In the video below, you can now watch a comprehensive guide on unboxing and assembling this new device. The step-by-step video will walk through the entire process, ensuring even beginners can get their AI projects up and running smoothly.

What's Inside the Kit?

The video begins with the unboxing of the AI Kit. It includes most importantly the M.2 HAT+ as well as the Hailo 8L module already connected, as well as all the needed hardware (screws, spacers, etc.). Additionally, the kit features a 16-mm high, 40-pin male to female header, which extends the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi and enables fitting the HAT on a Raspberry Pi 5 with the Raspberry Pi Active Cooler in place.

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Step-by-Step Assembly Guide

The video then guides you through the assembly process, which is very easy. First, attach the plastic standoffs on the bottom side of the HAT using the provided nylon screws. Next, place the stacking header over the pins of the GPIO header of the Raspberry Pi. This acts as an extender to allow proper connection to the HAT. Then, carefully align the HAT over the Raspberry Pi while inserting the pins of the 40-pin connector. Finally, secure the assembly using the remaining screws, ensuring everything remains firmly in place. We recommend that you take care not to overtighten the plastic screws.

There you have it! With the assembly complete, you are ready to explore the endless possibilities of the Raspberry Pi AI Kit. Whether you're looking to dive into machine learning, robotics, or any other AI-driven projects, this kit provides a robust foundation. Watch the video below and check out the kit in the Elektor Store. What will you build with it? If you already have a great idea for an exciting AI project, please let us know in the comments below.

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