| An LC display can be used as a readout for all kinds of useful information without using the PC monitor for that. This is not unusual anymor...
| An LC display can be used as a readout for all kinds of useful information without using the PC monitor for that. This is not unusual anymor...
| This circuit is a laser alarm system like the one we see in various movies. It uses a laser pointer beam to secure your valuables and proper...
| The calliper gauge described in this article is not an optoelectronic device, although it is based on the marriage of a laser (optics)...
| Since the 1960s, light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have come into use for many applications. Many people may not know that these diodes, used i...
| The application of lasers in medicine is all about the interaction of photons of radiation with tissue. It is the ability to precisely de...
| Diode lasers that operate from the near ultraviolet to well into the infra-red region are common place and used, among others, in optical...
| In this third and last instalment on the show laser we tackle the construction and practical use of the LSI7000 control unit.
| LASER PART 2: CONTROl UNIT lSI7000 (CIRCUIT DESCRIPTIONS) Following last month& s description of the laser exciter and the mirror galvanomet...
| Over the last few years, a variety of low-power Helium-Neon (HeNe) laser tubes has founds its way in into the electronics surplus trade circ...
| HOLOGRAPHY AND LASERS PRODUCE SUPER PRECISE MEASUREMENT by Anthony St E. Cardew* Advances in the application of opto-electronics such as las...