| A Wide Area Network connects far remoted devices to the Internet through gateways. LoRa is such a subscription-free communication standard,...
| A Wide Area Network connects far remoted devices to the Internet through gateways. LoRa is such a subscription-free communication standard,...
| Nordic Automation Systems have released an LED street light wireless luminaire controller compliant with the LoRa wide area network (WAN) st...
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| Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is one major step towards making an industrial plant non-polluting. It means that a plant can take in water but...
| The UK government supported Digital Catapult organization is set to launch a LoRaWAN wireless network across London intended to support IoT-...
| Zero discharge is one major step towards making an industrial plant non-polluting. Here we use LoRaWAN to monitor a plant's drains.
| Certain documents from the LoRa Consortium show that LoRaWAN uses the AES 128 algorithm to encrypt messages. However, according to French IT...
| STMicroelectronics has introduced a low-cost development kit that leverages the STM32 microcontroller ecosystem for prototyping Internet-of-...
| Did you know that it is really easy to set up your own LoRa WAN? All you need is a bunch of ready-built modules plugged together and away yo...