More about project (253)

| Back in Elektor.POST, Project Edition # 25 we introduced the BeagleBone Black (BBB) and looked at its specification and I/O ports. Now, b...

| Researchers at Caltech have developed a novel device which uses an integrated optical phased array (OPA) structure to project images electro...


|  LET'S MAKE! (a deal)

| Here’s a multi-player (max. 4) version of that nerve-racking game called Wire Loop where contestants have to pass a metal loop around a str...


| Here are some goodies (source code, tools and documentation) to play with the Elektor E-lock* Secure Server Board (130280).


|  THIS EVENT HAS ENDED!We would like to thank you all for attending, and we hope you enjoyed the session as much as we do :)For those who cou...

| Many low frequency inductors used in long and medium wave receiver design require a few hundred turns of wire. Winding the coils by hand ca...

| Just a few additional components are needed to turn a Raspberry Pi into a DC voltmeter capable of reading up to 5 V and displaying the resu...

| If you’ve already got a Raspberry Pi and need more I/O or you’ve got an Arduino Due and want more processing speed then the BeagleBone Blac...

| A softly burning and quietly crackling fireplace has imminent attraction to people and pets, but not everyone can afford to have the real t...