All items tagged with Renewable Energy and Power (37)

| Notwithstanding the economic crisis affecting most of the globe’s major economies, wind energy continues to gain supporters around the world...

| Harvesting solar energy in space could provide the world’s need for energy in thirty years, a report of the IAA says. The first Solar Power...

| The European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) has published its scenarios for onshore and offshore wind power deployment in the EU, ahead of t...

| The technical, economic and political obstacles to the famous Desertec vision are considerable. It seems much simpler to increase renewable...

| Global clean energy finance and investment grew significantly in 2010 to $243 billion, a 30 percent increase from the previous year. China,...

| Small hydropower producers in Europe are sounding the alarm. Many are unable to expand or even to maintain power production as a result of g...

| India has the potential to become a global renewable energy powerhouse due to its need for alternative energy sources, international pressur...

| 'The world needs to transition from its current unsustainable energy paradigm to a future powered by entirely renewable energy supply. Only...


| With 308 new offshore wind turbines installed in 2010 - an increase of 51% in installed wind power capacity on the previous year - offshore...

| Private investments in G-20 clean power projects could total $2.3 trillion by the end of the decade, according to a report released today by...