USB-to-Multi-Protocol Serial Converter
head-banging… bit-banging, no more!

A good many situations exists where a computer has to communicate with a device sporting some kind of serial port, be it RS-232, RS-485, I2C, SPI, or a microcontroller serial port. How do you manage when all you have at your disposal is a bunch of USB connectors?
The BOM (Bill of Materials) is the technically exhaustive listing of parts and other hardware items used to produce the working and tested prototype of any Elektor Labs project. The BOM file contains deeper information than the Component List published for the same project in Elektor Magazine. If required the BOM gets updated directly by our lab engineers. As a reader, you can download the list here.
Want to learn more about our BOM list? Read the BOM list article for extra information.
Component list
Component List
Default: SMD 0603, 0.1W
R1,R7,R8,R9 = 10kOhm
R2 = 12kOhm 1%
R3, R4 = 220Ohm
R5 = 39kOhm
R6 = 1.5kOhm
R10 = 2.2kOhm
Default: SMD 0603
C1,C2 = 27pF 50V, C0G/NP0
C3,C18 = 10nF 50 V, X7R
C4-C9,C11,C13,C14,C16,C19 = 100nF 50V X7R
C10,C12,C15,C17 = 4.7µF 6.3V, tantalum, SMD Case R (0805)
C20,C21 = 1µF 6.3V, X5R
L1-L4 = ferrite bead, 600Ohm @100MHz, 25%, 0.15Ohm @DC, 1.3A (SMD 0603)
D1,D2,D3 = LED, green (SMD 0805)
D4 = PRTR5V0U2X (SOT-143B)
IC1 = FT232HL (LQFP-48)
IC2 = 93LC56B-I/SN (SOIC-8)
IC3 = XC6206P332MR (SOT-23)
K1 = 10-pin DIL (2x5) pinheader, right angle
K2 = Micro USB type-B receptacle, SMD
K3 = 6-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
K4 = 12-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
K5 = 14-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
JP1, JP2 = 3-pin pinheader, 0.1” pitch
JP1, JP2 = jumper, 0.1” pitch
X1 = 12MHz quartz crystal, 18pF CL, SMD 5 x 3.2 mm
PCB, bare, # 130542-1 v1.0 from Elektor Store
Enclosure, Hammond Manufacturing type 1455C802
Partly assembled board, # 130542-91 from Elektor Store
Default: SMD 0603, 0.1W
R1,R7,R8,R9 = 10kOhm
R2 = 12kOhm 1%
R3, R4 = 220Ohm
R5 = 39kOhm
R6 = 1.5kOhm
R10 = 2.2kOhm
Default: SMD 0603
C1,C2 = 27pF 50V, C0G/NP0
C3,C18 = 10nF 50 V, X7R
C4-C9,C11,C13,C14,C16,C19 = 100nF 50V X7R
C10,C12,C15,C17 = 4.7µF 6.3V, tantalum, SMD Case R (0805)
C20,C21 = 1µF 6.3V, X5R
L1-L4 = ferrite bead, 600Ohm @100MHz, 25%, 0.15Ohm @DC, 1.3A (SMD 0603)
D1,D2,D3 = LED, green (SMD 0805)
D4 = PRTR5V0U2X (SOT-143B)
IC1 = FT232HL (LQFP-48)
IC2 = 93LC56B-I/SN (SOIC-8)
IC3 = XC6206P332MR (SOT-23)
K1 = 10-pin DIL (2x5) pinheader, right angle
K2 = Micro USB type-B receptacle, SMD
K3 = 6-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
K4 = 12-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
K5 = 14-way SIL socket, 0.1” pitch
JP1, JP2 = 3-pin pinheader, 0.1” pitch
JP1, JP2 = jumper, 0.1” pitch
X1 = 12MHz quartz crystal, 18pF CL, SMD 5 x 3.2 mm
PCB, bare, # 130542-1 v1.0 from Elektor Store
Enclosure, Hammond Manufacturing type 1455C802
Partly assembled board, # 130542-91 from Elektor Store
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