Microchip Technology Inc.West Chandler Blvd. 2355
85224-6199 Chandler
United States
(t) +1 (480) 792-7200
About us:
Microchip Technology Inc. is a leading provider of microcontroller and analog semiconductors, providing low-risk product development, lower total system cost and faster time to market for thousands of diverse customer applications worldwide. Headquartered in Chandler, Arizona, Microchip offers outstanding technical support along with dependable delivery and quality.Links
Brushed DC motors are increasingly being replaced by brushless (BLDC) and stepper motor competitors. But their use still makes sense, as the...
How accurate is your clock source? You can use this compact stand-alon...
To enable developers building artificial intelligence (AI)-driven sens...
- Microchip announces its portfolio of IGBT 7 devices - New Family of Voltage-Controlled SAW Oscillators with Ultra-Low Phase Noise Performance for Radar Applications - Microchip Technology announces Microchip Graphics Suite - Microchip is…” and “Beyond the Microchip” Podcasts Now Streaming - Microchip Adds ECC20x and SHA10x Families of Secure Authentication ICs to TrustFLEX Platform - PIC microcontrollers with integrated FPGA features - Microchip releases early access version of MPLAB Extensions for VS Code