A lot of people are too quick to dismiss Chromebooks. The launch of this device type was less than stellar, and you rarely get a second chance to make a good first impression. However, in 2024, it seems that we’ve horribly underestimated Chromebooks. The device has improved, and some of the features weren’t as bad as they had been; they were just misunderstood and underused. With that in mind, here are the top seven reasons you might want to try a Chromebook in 2024.

7 Reasons You Might Want to Try a Chromebook in 2024
Image: Andrew Neel

1. Extensive App Ecosystem

The first crucial thing you need to know about Chromebooks is that they support all the Play Store apps. This is why they’re often described as laptop-shaped smartphones. Of course, this is hardly accurate, considering that it has the standard window-based system that we’ve come to expect from desktop and laptop devices.

Due to this app ecosystem, it supports a wide range of productivity tools. This means that you can use it as your portable workstation. This is huge since roughly 12.7% of people in the U.S. already work from home full-time, with 28% more working from home part-time. Because most of these tools are cloud-based, as long as you have your account, you can log in from any device you own.

On top of this, there are many Chromebook virus protection tools for you to leverage. According to Techopedia writer Iljia Miljkovac, it is exactly this cybersecurity protection that makes it even more viable for remote work and BYOD systems.

2. Affordable Price Point

Another thing you need to understand is that these Chromebooks come at a much lower cost than traditional laptops. In fact, you can get them for as little as $50. Just keep in mind that the cheapest device performs as you would expect it to. You also can’t expect this device to outperform a $500 laptop; still, it’s this unrealistic expectation that makes most people assume that Chromebooks are inferior to their counterparts.

Seeing how they perform decently and they’re so cheap, it’s easy to understand why these devices have such great value for performance. 

There are various models for different budgets. Since major laptop manufacturers have taken over Chromebook manufacturing, there are more and more high-end devices with performance that can stand up even to gaming laptops.

The fact that they’re so cheap means that smaller businesses and educational organizations can order them in bulk. In a modern world where there’s no workplace or learning without a digital device, this makes all the difference.

3. Long Battery Life

With a longer battery life, you also get extended usage time for your Chromebook.

The device has a pretty efficient power management system. Now, remember, a lot of people don’t understand how the device works, what increases and what decreases performance. There are only two things that they notice:

  • The device takes longer to respond
  • The battery is getting drained more quickly

If either of these two things happens, they’ll assume that their laptop is declining. Due to this great power management system, this won’t happen so quickly. 

This makes the device ideal for on-the-go use. You see, people who use Chromebooks often don’t want to spend too much money on a laptop. Maybe they need an extra device that they can put in front of their treadmill, and they’ve learned that the device is cheaper than a tablet. In this scenario, you’ll find that battery life plays one of the most significant roles.

4. Seamless Integration with Google Services

Easy access to Google Drive is one of the most important things in your digital device use and digital presence in 2024. This is where all your tables, all your documents, and all your files are stored. It’s a default cloud use, which, even if you have other Workplace platforms, uses quite a bit by default. Remember, Chromebook is Google’s, which means that while other devices do this as well, a Chromebook will do it better because it’s built with this purpose in mind.

The fact that it’s integrated with Gmail and Calendar will help you stay in touch with all your personal and business responsibilities. Sure, you can download better scheduling software (we’ve already covered this when discussing apps); however, Google Calendar is good enough, provided that you know how to use it. 

Google Photos and Docs are amazing and sharable. This means that you can keep all the crucial files on the drive, and even in the event that the device gets stolen or broken, you’ll still be able to access them all from other devices.

Image: Christian Wiediger

5. Lightweight and Portable

The next thing you need to think about is the physical properties of the Chromebook. The main reason to get a laptop is its portability, and the slim design of a Chromebook makes it even more portable.

First of all, it’s very light and compact, which makes it easy to carry. Most people see laptops as lightweight already; however, when you have to carry a device across the world in a backpack or a handbag, this is when you feel the difference. Even a small difference in weight can make a difference when you have to carry a device by hand to work or to school every single day. 

Another thing that makes a Chromebook perfect for travel is that Because it’s thinner than most of its counterparts, it’s much easier to pack in compartments that wouldn’t normally fit thicker devices.

6. Enhanced Security Features

No, Chromebook is not made for the tech-savvy of users. It’s made for an average user to use as a substitute device or a budget Facebook machine. As such, it’s made to be as user-friendly as possible, and the first part of this is that it relies on automatic updates.

Previously, we spoke about some great antivirus apps, but the device also has a pretty decent built-in virus protection. Sure, you still need a good antivirus and antimalware. Still, it’s good to know that even before you pick and install them (potentially even pay subscriptions for premium plans of this software), you’ll still have some protection.

7. User-Friendly Interface

While most users don’t have any previous experience with Chrome OS, the system is incredibly intuitive. It’s heavily inspired by Windows, Android, iOS, and MacOS, which means that it has all the user-friendliest features. You won’t need an instruction video since you’ll already know where the majority of things are. 

The next thing you need to take into consideration is its simple setup process. You won’t have to look for a tech specialist to help you set this one up. Instead, you’ll be able to do it on your own.

The basic layout is so easy to navigate, even for complete beginners. This makes it incredibly appealing for casual users and those who already have other devices and just want to try this one out.

Chromebook is a better choice than you think

One of the most important things you need to understand about Chromebooks is that they’re cheap, simple, and efficient. The main reason some people get disappointed is because they expect a $350 Chromebook to outperform a $800 laptop that they previously had. However, when you take a look at this from an objective standpoint, Chromebook is more than a decent device.