Build the Right It: Pretotype, then Prototype with Alberto Savoia (Engineering Insights)

- Gain insights into Alberto Savoia's journey, from startup failures to tech triumphs.
- Demystify the world of business plans and discover their true worth.
- Uncover the power of YODA - utilizing your data for informed decision-making.
- Explore the new concept of pretotyping - testing your ideas before investing in prototypes.
- Learn why engineering minds, akin to Elektor members, possess an edge in laying solid foundations for success.
Experience the Wisdom
Tap into Alberto's unparalleled expertise and uncover the essence of building "The Right It." Watch the full interview on our YouTube channel: Watch Interview
Elevate Your Insights
Explore the minds that shape technology and innovation. Dive into the interview, absorb the wisdom, and be inspired to redefine your path to success.
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Discussion (1 comment)
jarede2000 1 year ago