ESP32 Range Extender Hack: A Simple Antenna Modification

ESP32 modules often have “integrated antennas” printed on the PCBs. But, at times, you might need improved Wi-Fi range. A solution can be an external antenna, but not every module has a socket for such a connection. Fortunately, you can try this ESP32 range extender hack!
The ESP32 Range Extender Project
When experimenting with ESP32 modules, especially the ESP32 CAMs, I wished for greater Wi-Fi range. Adding an external antenna could help, but few modules are equipped for this. The cost and mechanical complexity may not be commensurate with the benefit achieved.

The original printed antenna on a standard ESP32 board is a meandering, inverted-F antenna with a λ/4 wavelength (see Figure 1). This type of antenna balances size, an almost omnidirectional antenna pattern, acceptable power efficiency and the Wi-Fi range within the limits of the given RF power and reception sensitivity of the ESP32. ...
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