Post project 3: Raspberry Pi Recipes
March 22, 2013

So you’ve got yourself a new Raspberry Pi?
Great, but where do you start? Well,
you’re in luck, welcome to the
first part of Elektor’s Pi Recipes
series published exclusively
and monthly in Elektor.POST.
Who says engineers are lousy
cooks? In this the first part of the
series we “gather the ingredients” so
we can start configuring the Raspberry
Pi and get it up and running.
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We know the Raspberry Pi [1] is a cool $35 credit card size computer as we already have one or we are thinking of getting one (aren’t we?). Unlike most of the laptop or desktop computers we may use, the Raspberry Pi computer is powered by an ARM microprocessor and runs the Linux Operating System (OS).
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We know the Raspberry Pi [1] is a cool $35 credit card size computer as we already have one or we are thinking of getting one (aren’t we?). Unlike most of the laptop or desktop computers we may use, the Raspberry Pi computer is powered by an ARM microprocessor and runs the Linux Operating System (OS).
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