QWIC Tulp: The scooter of the future
March 08, 2010

Amsterdam based company QWIC is taking electric mobility to the next level with their Tulp project. It's the first scooter of its kind: it's not only electric, so zero CO2 emission, but the whole scooter is made out of renewable bioscomposite materials. So that includes the framework and the body. Biocomposite consists of natural fibers and a polyester resin. That means when you're done with the scooter, you can actually burn the thing (to create new energy ofcourse). QWIC expects to launch the scooter by the end of 2011. We'll keep you posted on developments.
Dutchies can check out an interview with QWIC founders here.
Dutchies can check out an interview with QWIC founders here.

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Scooter 15 years ago