SmartScope: Multi-Platform Measuring Instrument
In practice
We’ve now come to the stage where we connect the device and start using it in earnest. The PC version of the software was tried out first, and it took a while to get used to it. To start with, we regularly found ourselves looking up instructions from the Help, or tried to discover where a particular function was. It will take some time before you’ll be able to operate the software like a pro. However, with the tablet versions things progressed much more quickly. You’ll soon find out that the program was developed for use with a touchscreen. In this case, it took only several minutes to find out how to operate it, and it was also much easier to try things out.In both cases it was noticeable how quickly the scope responded. You get the same experience as if you were using a ‘standard’ scope. It is often the case that USB scopes experience a delay between the scope hardware and the processing and displaying of data on the computer. You don’t notice any delay with this device, so that’s a job well done by LabNation. The time and voltage scales can be adjusted via pinch/stretch gestures with your fingers or with the scroll wheel of your mouse. The scale is updated immediately, going to the next, rounded, value. It is even possible to set a different voltage scale for each analog input signal.
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