Burkhard Kainka (218)

| Operational amplifiers are ubiquitous in electronics, being used in a wide range of applications in all sorts of configurations. There are n...

| The SDR Shield 2.0 introduced in ElektorLabs Magazine edition 4/2018 offers a broad range of opportunities, not only for broadcast reception...

| Smartphones and tablets are increasingly displacing conventional PCs. Even in kids’ bedrooms, mobile devices are now standard equipment. How...

| About two years have passed since the launch of the Elektor SDR Shield for creating a shortwave SDR using the Arduino [1]. Plentiful positiv...

| If you basically do electronics as a pastime, you are usually under the radar of the authorities. Only really big mistakes can have painful...

| Every microcontroller that features an A-to-D converter and a PC interface can be used as a logging device for data acquisition systems. But...

| Using optics for switching and control is a widely employed and accepted technique, with many favorable features. No mechanical movement,...

| Sure, an Arduino also offers a range of inputs and outputs but the BBC Micro:bit offers additionally numerous sensors and control functions....

| Although the theremin was invented nearly 100 years ago, the instrument still has enthusiastic fans. It is played entirely without physical...

| Ever since the earliest days of telegraphy, electrical communication has been possible over a single wire. Today the 1-Wire Bus and similar...