ClemensValens (148)


| With elaborate light show and daisy-chain capability.

| With elaborate light show and daisy-chain capability.


| A rain meter without moving parts. It will be an add-on module for Elektor's USB Long-Term Weather Logger

| A rain meter without moving parts. It will be an add-on module for Elektor's USB Long-Term Weather Logger (100888)

| I was thinking of building a machine to virtually travel through time. The idea is a sort of Google Street View but then of history.


| [nodepicker==] is a PSoC based design for an analog music synth...


| Wouldn't it be nice, if you could put an RGB LED strip anywhere in your house? Of course, modules like that already exist, and they change c...

| Wouldn't it be nice, if you could put an RGB LED strip anywhere in your house? Wouldn't it be nice if you could control that RGB LED strip f...


|  Behind every great circuit there's a great PCBV1.4 is coming soonThis updated version adds:

| Arduino compatible PCB for 28-pin and 40-pin AVR microcontrollers, including UI elements like rotary encoders, pushbuttons, buzzer, 2x16, 4x...