| No electronic components, no microcontroller...
| No electronic components, no microcontroller...
| Take control remotely by sending SMS text messages. Up to four relays can switch a heater, lights, and/or pumps. An optional temperature sen...
| Build your own SMS Remote Control with an Atmega328 at 16 Mhz and a SIM800L EVB, Arduino code. PCB gerber files included. Two codes availab...
| This project came to life when the creator’s son (no, not JC) asked his father to build a cool clock for his new home. It is based on a larg...
| Because I'm old school, remember Elektor issue 31 January 1981, and for fun and viewing pleasure : Can 3D print file for RGB LED display. To...
| The basis of this assembly is taken from the article “Wind of freshness with ATtiny” Elektor N°456, page 37. Refer to this article for addi...
| 7-segment display with 5mm rgb leds and decimal point driven by normal pwm. pwm voltage 100% 5V
| 3D print files for display enclosure, see the related projects.
| Clock built from DIY 7-segment RGB LED modules, see related projects. ---------------------CLOCK BASE-------------------------- 1 Arduino...
| Drive your common anode or common cathode LED displays by I2C.