STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

Harry Baggen (270)

| A current clamp is a measuring device especially useful for measuring large currents. In this article, we look at the first clamp meter laun...

| There seems to be no end to the constant flow of new products released by the Chinese manufacturer Fnirsi. This time we will look at the 2C5...

| If you need to inspect a hard-to-reach spot, such as inside an electronics case, a car engine, or even the drain of your sink, an endoscope...

| Audio projects have a long tradition at Elektor. This time, however, it’s not about a DIY project but a ready-made product that caught our a...

| Recently, both Zoyi and Fnirsi have released affordable smart tweezers that also measure inductance, and for just a few dozen euros. In this...

| In recent years, an increasing number of multifunctional measuring devices have emerged. They typically combine a multimeter, oscilloscope,...

| Chinese manufacturers of measuring equipment keep surprising us with affordable multifunction instruments that we would not have thought pos...

| The Fnirsi 2C23T combines an oscilloscope, a multimeter, and a signal generator in a compact case. And all this for a price that is well und...

| The Fnirsi S1 multimeter features a large color display and is also smart, meaning that it detects whether a DC voltage, an AC voltage or a...

| Every electronics engineer with a home lab has probably looked now and then for a bench multimeter to expand their instrumentation. But such...