Harry Baggen (267)

| Ionizing radiation is present everywhere on earth, but high doses of radiation are very harmful to living organisms. With the new portable D...

| Wireless sensor networks that use energy-harvesting techniques for their power requirements are becoming increasingly common. To power such...

| The new MSR7810WUP family of switching voltage regulators from MicroPower Direct are pin-compatible replacements for the popular LM78xx seri...

| Editorials in the Elektor newsletter are usually about current or historical technological developments, but I would like to kick off 2017 w...

| Vishay Intertechnology has announced the replacement of various Vishay Siliconix analog switches by types with better characteristics and lo...

| While looking for interesting items for our newsletter, I came across a smart remote control on Kickstarter that has already garnered over h...

| Hitachi has developed a camera technology which allows video imagery to be recorded without a lens. What’s more, the imagery can be focused...

| Making selfies with your phone is all the rage, and people often use selfie sticks to take selfies from a certain distance away. With the Ai...

| The engineers at Red Pitaya have updated and expanded their product line. All the boards are now called STEMlab, so the original Red Pitaya...

| Researchers at the University of California in San Diego have developed a magnetic ink which can be used to make self-healing batteries, ele...