| Shell is fairly rapidly changing from an oil into a gas company. While Shell’s gas production has been growing modestly, its oil production...
| Shell is fairly rapidly changing from an oil into a gas company. While Shell’s gas production has been growing modestly, its oil production...
| The small Gulf State Abu Dhabi, one of the world’s major oil producers, has the ambition to become a global centre of sustainable energy res...
| The Danish state-owned energy company Dong Energy is transforming itself from a primarily fossil-fuel dominated company to a renewable energ...
| The prospects of offshore wind power in northern Europe depend on two key factors: the ability of industry to reduce costs significantly and...
| The forced closure of the large nuclear power plant at Ignalina at the start of this year has led to a 30% rise in electricity prices in Lit...
| The countries around the Baltic Sea would do well to integrate their energy policies as much as possible with each other. Only in this way w...
| Future energy scenarios from the European Commission and the International Energy Agency are all based on the assumption that improved energ...
| Four prominent European think tanks, with the implicit support of a large section of the European energy industry, have issued a call for a...
| Jacques Delors’ think tank Notre Europe has come up with an impressive plea for a European energy policy. ‘Europe faces several major crises...
| The market parties that have formed the Desertec Industrial Initiative (DII) are turning the grand solar power vision of founder Gerhard Kni...