| At the same time that the European gas market is being liberalised and integrated, a separate development is taking place, with a dynamic of...
| At the same time that the European gas market is being liberalised and integrated, a separate development is taking place, with a dynamic of...
| The International Energy Agency's latest Energy Technology Perspectives report presents a bleak picture of the world's current state of prog...
| The Belgian transmission system operator (TSO) Fluxys has, over the last two or three years, "quietly grown into a European company", says F...
| The next few years are crucial for the future of the Energy Charter Treaty. If it does not manage to expand its constituency and to adapt it...
| Shell was one of the first companies in the European gas market to toe the EU's unbundling line. Early on the company made a radical decisio...
| If the European Commission wants to stimulate "green growth", as its official policy states, then the Emission Trading System (ETS) is the w...
| The European gas market is awaiting radical changes in the years ahead. The old market structure, based on bilateral long-term contracts bet...
| Epex Spot, the joint venture that was set up in 2008 between the German and French power exchanges EEX and PowerNext, is now pursuing cooper...
| The International Energy Agency (IEA), whose membership is limited to the countries of the OECD, is faced with a steady decline of its clout...
| What the world needs to keep up with the strong global growth in energy in the coming decades is two things above all: Iraq - and shale gas....