| Although the computing power of computers is continually increasing, they are and continue to be clumsy energy wasters when compared to huma...
| Although the computing power of computers is continually increasing, they are and continue to be clumsy energy wasters when compared to huma...
| NASA has selected a mission that will measure the radiation from the interstellar medium (the space between the stars) using Dutch far-infra...
| Researchers from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and the California Institute of Technology have in only two years succeeded in do...
| To incorporate drones in our lives in a good and safe way, we need anti-drone instruments. On 4 December the TU Delft Micro Air Vehicle Lab...
| Our 'common sense' would say that when an object moves from point A to point B it necessarily has to also move through all the points betwee...
| Optical clocks are tipped to be the best candidates to redefine the SI-base unit 'second' once again. That the next redefinition of the seco...
| The CMS-detector (Compact Muon Solenoid Experiment) of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva has recently received a 'heart transplant...
| Two-way communications requires – obviously – both transmit as well as receive capability. However, when we want to fit this into the one de...
| For the exponentially growing data traffic worldwide, the data connections within and between microchips are increasingly becoming a bottlen...
| Last year the first NexDock was brought into the marketplace – a laptop-lookalike or lapdock with a 14“ display and a Bluetooth keyboard tha...