Clemens Valens (931)

| The Summer Circuits 2022 edition of Elektor Magazine revisits the US-Style Siren from 2003 by Ludwig Libertin to turn it into a decorative o...

| The Joy-Car is an autonomous robot car based on the BBC micro:bit. It comes as a kit of parts and must be assembled by the user. No solderin...

| Here is a trick that allows you to connect one or more rotary encoders to a microcontroller while using only one analog input.

| This small circuit enables your microcontroller to drive 25% more LEDs while freeing up programming resources. Isn't that what we call a...

| Elsewhere in this magazine you can learn about a method to connect two ‘digital’ rotary encoders to a microcontroller using only one analog...

| To connect a device to the Internet of Things (IoT) it needs networking capabilities to exchange information with servers and other devices....

| Three new products were recently announced by Raspberry Pi: the Pico W, H and WH. The most exciting is the new Pico W which comes with wirel...

| The is a small battery-powered box packed with sensors that communicates over Bluetooth. A smartphone app lets you control it...

| When you have been tinkering with electronics for a while and your projects are getting more serious, chances are that you will need an osci...

| Raspberry Pi announces three new products: the Pico W, H and WH. All three are updates of the Raspberry Pi Pico board, which has become quit...