STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

Karl-Ludwig Butte (13)

| We haven’t quite got around to publishing an article describing the DIY personal time travel machine that the team here in the Elektor lab i...

| In 1981, there were lots of books about the Zilog Z80 microprocessor, which was introduced in 1976, but this particular book was different....

| In the present era of the Internet of Things, we expect electronic devices to be small, portable, battery powered, and – especially importan...

| The construction of Elektor's first video game console using General Instruments integrated circuit type AY-3-8500 appeared in the Summer Ci...

| Have you ever tried to measure an SMD resistor or SMD transistor using an ohmmeter? It’s not as easy as it looks and your luck was probably...

| It is 1983. The microcomputer revolution has swept across the United States and is taking hold in Europe. Demand for expertise is rising rap...

| Just shy of forty years ago, Elektor published two frequency counter project articles in the June 1978 issue. The ‘µP counter’ concept was f...

| You probably think that reel-to-reel tape recorders are big and heavy, not suitable for mobile use. That’s not entirely true — the Report 40...

| Etching your own PCBs used to be a real chem lab exercise. First you had to copy the PCB layout from lm to the PCB material by exposing, de...

| Visitors to the January 1977 Consumer Electronics Show (CES) witnessed a peculiar premiere in deep-frozen Chicago. Revealed here to an aston...