Marcel Cremmel (7)

| Here now is the last installment of the article series. As far as we know nothing comparable exists commercially, neither in terms of perfor...

| When there is a need to send data to a distant point without using a wired connection, either because the location’s infrastructure does not...

| The title says it all—this article describes an electrocardioscope you can build yourself, using an Android tablet or smartphone as a wirele...

| La mayoría de los radiotransmisores RF de los radioaficionados no están especialmente diseñados para enviar señales de audio de alta calidad...

| This adaptor was originally intended to allow programming of the memory and CPLD of the PSD813 used in the GBECG Gameboy cartridge, which co...

| There are still a lot of hobbyists who enjoy making high-quality live audio recordings of concerts, interviews, radio broadcasts, natural so...

| Alphanumeric displays (having x lines of n characters) are very popular. Reasonably priced, they are rather easy to implement. However, here...