| Elsewhere in the Small Circuits Collection there is an article about connecting an LCD to a PC (see ‘LCD Status Display’). There is also an...
| Elsewhere in the Small Circuits Collection there is an article about connecting an LCD to a PC (see ‘LCD Status Display’). There is also an...
| This inductance meter consists, all in all, of four components that can be mounted on a small piece of prototype board in a jiffy. In order...
| PCs are currently used for just about anything. E-mail has become a standard communications tool and a network at home is no longer the excl...
| In the last few years, the available range of operating systems for PCs has increased dramatically. Various free (!) operating systems have...
| The serial port (often called the COM port) is perfect for connecting various electronic circuits to the PC. The complexity of the connected...
| In the April issue last year we published an article that showed how to program the serial port correctly under Windows. The methods describ...
| CompactFlash (CF) cards are ideal for storage of large amounts of data, which is retained for years without the need for a backup supply vol...
| As opposed to most other EPROM emulators, the design discussed in this article provides a virtually perfect imitation of a ‘real-life’ 27C25...
| This circuit is for an interface between the parallel port of a PC and a socalled JTAG interface. This type of circuit was originally develo...
| The phantom power supply enables the power required by a guitar's integral preamplifier to be conveyed via the signal cable.