STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

Patrick Gueulle (8)

| Now that the competition in edition 1/ 2016 is over, it's time to look for new applications for the NFC ST25TA02K tag which was given to you...

| The only chip card that you can program in BASIC has now been on the market for more than ten years. It remains under continuous development...

| A programmed BasicCard is used as the starting point in this article. We show how this ‘SIM card emulator’ can be adapted to test the most i...

| Reading smartcards and writing to them, that’s all very well, but building real-life application circuits, that’s even better! Among t...

| In last month’s instalment we discussed the hardware, which consists of two sections: the card reader module and the computer interfac...

| Although they look like any ordinary plastic chipcard of the synchronous type, Smartcards are functionally very different because they...

| Even with street prices dropping steadily, good PIC programmers remain relatively costly tools. Provided you exploit the serial programming&...

| Most of you will be aware that DTMF/telephone dialing signals are two-tone combination that may be recorded on any cheap tape recorder, just...