Omnetics Mainheader March 2025

Wilfried Wätzig (11)

| Following requests from numerous Elektor readers, the author of the USB Weather Logger with Long-term Storage (Elektor September 2011) has c...

| Physics teachers often rely on test equipment to make certain phenomena observable. Stroboscopes are useful for getting a closer look at vib...

| A compass is an invaluable orientation aid, especially when you’re travelling by foot or bicycle. Some smartphones and navigation systems do...

| This stand-alone data logger displays pressure, temperature and humidity readings generated by I2C bus sensors on an LCD panel, and can run...

| Developing a lighting control unit recently, the author found that available analogue or mechanical timers were not sufficiently accurate or...

| A tilt sensor is a very versatile device: for example, it can be used as a (game) controller or as an alarm sensor to protect valuables. The...

| The author repeatedly needed several different digital signals for testing his circuits, and a simple function generator did not provide a s...

| The Parallax SX28-based ‘Frequency Response Sweep Oscillator’ project published in the April 2008 issue of Elektor inspired the author to de...

| This special timekeeper records individual time periods and adds them together to produce a total time. The circuit uses a real-time clock d...

| This peripheral circuit for the 89S8252 Flash Board provides a largeformat, 10-character running-text display using dot-matrix modules.The s...