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Bonus Edition 
4 weeks of extra Espressif content.


The creative collaboration between Elektor and Espressif continues! Elektor's editors have packed a BONUS DIGITAL EDITION of Elektor Mag – guest-edited by the founders and engineers at Espressif – with enough DIY projects, informative articles, and technical insights to keep you inspired for weeks to come. The BONUS EDITION has something for everyone: an Espressif-style Dekatron, an ESP32-based authentication dongle, an ESP-BOX-based talking ChatGPT system, an Interview with Home Assistant Founder Paulus Schoutsen, and much more!

• December 15 - The first set of free articles
• December 22 - The next set of free articles
• December 29 - The next set of free articles
January 5 - The complete Bonus edition!

Check out the Espressif Collection