Elektor September/October 2024

Wireless solutions are literally everywhere: in your home, in your workplace, on your body, in your car, and in your favorite stores. If you’re interested in designing new wireless technologies and communications-related applications, Elektor’s 2024 Wireless & Communication edition will be source of immediate inspiration! In this edition, we dive into the following projects, tutorials, and much more: the LeoINAGPS system power and energy monitoring system, LoRa-based data transmission and power with solar cells, a broadband magnetic antenna solution, and an ESP32-based range extender. Once you start your own projects, be sure to share your progress on the Elektor Labs platform. We look forward to seeing your work and collaborating with you!


Visit Elektor’s Wireless & Communication webpage for regular updates about wireless applications and communication-related topics! On that page, Elektor engineers and editors frequently post projects, tutorials, news, and reviews. Bookmark the page for easy access.
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Webinar: Wireless & Communication

Elektor Webinars




Interested in wireless and communication-related projects, tools, and insights? Elektor editors, engineers, and authors are as well! Join us for a webinar in October 2024. We are currently planning the topic and curriculum. Once we have more details, we will share the necessary info on the Elektor Webinars page. Stay tuned!


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Interested in wireless tech and communication-related tutorials? Professionals and makers read Elektor’s weekly newsletter for innovative DIY electronics projects related to these topics. They also benefit from our thoughtful technical insights, helpful product reviews, and insightful interviews. Subscribe today and we’ll send every edition directly to your inbox!