Free Tool makes Manual Pick 'n' Place easier

SmtAssistant is a new, free software tool that facilitates locating components on a printed circuit based on a picture (bitmap) of it and a Pick & Place (PKP) file. The tool, developed for internal use by Alciom, greatly facilitates the task of manually assembling prototypes, but it is also useful for inspection and repair of boards.
This handy program can read a pick and place file exported by a PCB design tool (tested with Proteus but designed to be interfaced to any PCB design tool capable of exporting a file containing component references, values and locations), assist the technician to prepare the components (sort by package etc.), import a bitmap image of the PCB and indicate the physical location of each component to place.
Compatible with any PC running Windows (XP/Vista/7), this software is offered for free for commercial and non-commercial use (of course the full intellectual property remains with Alciom). It may be redistributed provided that this is done free of charge and that the tool remains unaltered. The company will not provide support for using the tool, but they do welcome your comments and suggestions for improvement.
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