English:There is no greater satisfaction in life than to enjoy the things done by oneself, unlike buy them already made. Not only for having the satisfaction of knowing that was manufactured by oneself if not also by the teachings that leaves us, allowing us to move more and more in our professional lives.
There is no greater satisfaction in life than to enjoy the things done by oneself, unlike buy them already made. Not only for having the satisfaction of knowing that was manufactured by oneself if not also by the teachings that leaves us, allowing us to move more and more in our professional lives.
The AM radio, despite its age and has been virtually replaced by new technologies, is a good source of knowledge that allows us to approach radiofrequency assemblies which often have them fear for their complexity both in assembly and calibration and testing, plus impress our grandmother with our own little radio for AM, made by ourselves.¡¡
That is why I share this work (in Spanish), based on the radio AM-FM course the known and defunct Colombian's publisher CEKIT, which guides us step by step through the assembly and testing of a complete superheterodyne AM Radio . Here I share the development of each of the parts that make up the receiver to be able to get the full assembly of the radio, on this occasion with proof of the easiest stage of the circuit: audio amplifier as far to go ahead mounting the other stages'll be updating the document. Hope you find it to your liking and also encourage them to start their own small radio, and remember old times ...¡¡
No hay mayor satisfaccion en la vida que poder disfrutar de las cosas hechas por uno mismo, a diferencia de comprarlas ya hechas. No solo por el hecho de tener la satisfaccion de saber que fue fabricada por uno mismo si no tambien por las enseñanzas que nos deja, permitiendonos avanzar cada vez mas en nuestra vida profesional.
La radio AM, a pesar de su antiguedad y que ya ha sido practicamente reemplazada por nuevas tecnologias, es una buena fuente de conocimiento que nos permite acercarnos a los montajes de radiofrecuencia a los que muchas veces les tenemos temor por su complejidad tanto en el montaje como en la calibracion y pruebas, ademas de poder tramar a nuestra abuelita con nuestro propio radiecito de AM, hecho por nosotros mismos¡¡
Es por ello que les comparto este trabajo, basado en el curso de radio AM-FM de la conocida y desaparecida editorial Colombiana CEKIT, el cual nos guia paso a paso en el montaje y las pruebas de un radio AM superheterodino completo. En este les comparto el desarrollo de cada una de las partes que conforman el receptor hasta poder llegar al montaje completo del radio, en esta ocasion con la prueba de la etapa mas sencilla del circuito: El amplificador de audio, en la medida que vaya adelantando el montaje de las demas etapas estare actualizando el documento.
Espero que les sea de su agrado y se animen tambien a montar su propio radiecito, y recordar viejas epocas...¡¡¡
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