Hi Jan I am currently reading the ‘ELEKTOR’ published book ‘ARM Microcontroller Interfacing hardware and software’ by ‘Warwick A. Smith‘. What I have read of the book so far is very informative and useful.

Hi Jan I am currently reading the ‘ELEKTOR’ published book ‘ARM Microcontroller Interfacing hardware and software’ by ‘Warwick A. Smith‘. What I have read of the book so far is very informative and useful. I would like to do some of the practical examples but have some difficulty finding the development board used at a reasonable cost, The author has a basic AT91SAM schematic circuit drawing in the book (page42). The ARM microcontroller used is only available as an SMD package. my skills at making a home brew PCBs is limited at the best even if I can figure out how design a PCB lay out with a PCB CAD package I would like to propose the construction of a ‘bare bones or super component’ PCB with all the SMD parts to allow the use of the ‘ARM AT91SAM7S256’ microcontroller with Prototyping boards or Vero board construction like the BOB usb/serial module. There are some modifications that I would like to suggest for consideration. • The RS232 connection be made using a FTDI USB-logic level cable or ‘BOB’ board, no need for ‘D’ plug or level converter chip on the PCB. • The power supply to be selectable usb, external 5v or raw dc. • The ‘Jtag’ Connector a SMD part with the conversion on a brake off part of the pcb. If possible could this be done as an article following all the processes involved in it’s design and production. The use of an open sorce pcb pcb program, showing the generation of additional new parts/footprints would be educational.