
Our innovation is real-time monitoring and control system for the fermentation and drying process of post-harvest activities on coffee production using the Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud. With the latest technology of cloud systems and IoT sensors, the measurement of a process could be monitored like never before.


Company Description

We provide better technology to improve post-harvest activities on coffee production is our core business. We believe that every sector of human activities deserves improvement with the touch of technology, and coffee production is no exception. We have two sub-systems called CeriFer and CeriGar.

Video Pitch:

CeriFer monitor and control the fermentation process of coffee post-harvest activities using the cloud-based system and IoT sensors so that the user could easily monitor and control the process in real-time. The system collecting pH and temperature data continuously from inside of the fermentation tank or tub. The user could also set up a specific alarm so that a desired condition of the processing could be met. To use the system, the user just needs to put the sensor on the coffee parchment or cherries that are about to be processed in a fermentation tank or tub. The software needs to be downloaded in their mobile device or computer to command the system to start collecting the data and also enable the user to monitor the process in the software.

CeriGar monitor and control the drying process of coffee post-harvest activities using the cloud-based system and IoT sensors so that the user could easily monitor and control the process in real-time. The system placed inside a drying house and continuously collects humidity, temperature, and light intensity data. Same as CeriFer, the user could also set up a specific alarm to warn them if the desired condition already met. To use CeriGar, the user needs to put the device inside of a drying house and the same software in CeriFer could be used to monitor the process in the drying house in real-time, simultaneously and continuously.

Our innovation will greatly benefit especially the coffee producers or farmers who carry out the fermentation and drying process in their post-harvest activities regardless of their size. In Indonesia alone, smallholder coffee farmers hit 2 million in number. From that 2 million, about 25% or 500.000 people are coffee farmers and producers of Arabica variety. This group of farmers and producers are our main target, which usually affiliates in cooperatives. We are targeting Arabica coffee farmers and producers or cooperatives because considering the value of the commodity, and also the demand in the market for a high quality of arabica coffee, this group of farmers and producers will have a great benefit from using our innovation.

Our priority target market would be arabica coffee farmers, producers, and cooperatives in Indonesia, which approximately hit 500.000 farmers/producers. Our second target market would be coffee farmers and producers in the world which consist of 25 million farmers and producers. The farmers, producers, and cooperatives could inquiry to our office or local representative and support to try the innovation for their first batch. And after their free trial, they could decide to buy the system. We have two different selling plans to offer to the farmers or producers.

The first plan is the one-time sell off-plan with a monthly software subscribe fees. A bundling package device with a year free subscribe will cost US$1200. The next year they could have a monthly software subscription fee for US$10. The second plan is the installment plan with two different options. The first option would include a third party that has farmers' financial inclusive programs, with third-party installment terms and 3 years period in which the price paid off will be at US$ 1800.

The second option would be installment based on profit sharing from their coffee production, with negotiable terms, 3 years period, and also the price paid off of US$ 1800.



Year Founded


Company Phase

Development & Production

Please specify in what phase you are!

At this moment we are developing our third MVP, and also finishing up software development. We already did several pilot projects and tests with some farmers and producers in two distinct areas, in North Bandung, West Java Island, and in Takengon, Aceh, Sumatra Island. Both are in Indonesia. We have already formed a mutual partnership with two farmers and producers in Takengon and an exclusive partnership of consultancy and projects with one farmer group in Bandung.

Number of employees


Did you get funding?ceritech - electronica 2020

Yes, Governmental & Organisations

Investment needed?

Yes, actually looking


1. Winner Prize of Arduino Day Community Challenge 2019 from Arduino.
2. Second Winner Prize of Arduino Challenge 2019 from Mouser, Microchip, and Arduino.
3. Third Winner Prize of ASEAN-CHINA New Smart City and Entrepreneur Competition 2019.
4. Winner Prize of Bosch IoT Hackathon 2019 from PT. Bosch Indonesia.
5. Second Winner Prize of Comptech IoT Competition 2019 from the Industrial Ministry Republic of Indonesia.
6. GSMA Award, Mobile IoT Innovator Challenge, Sierra Wireless Innovation Summit 2019
7. Project Funding for Implementation Project in Aceh from PT. XL Axiata.


Sponsors & Partners

PT. Bosch Indonesia


  • How do you plan to sell your product(s)? Distributor, online webshop, crowd-funding campaign?
1. We have the plan to sell out product (IoT hardware) through an online webshop.
  • Where would you like to see your company in 2 years when the next electronica trade fair takes place?
2. actually, our innovation aims to provide post-harvest technology especially coffee production. so our vision we will bring goes globally, which means all coffee farmers/producers could use our product.
  • Which electronics company would you like to have as an advisor and partner? 
3. We prefer Element14 as an advisor.

View all participants of the electronica Fast Forward 2020.