Cooking monitoring
The first version of this example is from 2018. My wife wanted to cook vegetables at low temperatures. The aim is to keep the temperature constantly low, i.e. cook at a temperature of around 60/80°C We discussed several variants of cooking monitoring to achieve the objective and we adopted the solution: Collect a basic electric plate. Combine an Arduino Nano, a thermocouple and its MAX6675, a potentiometer (for the setpoint), a 2X16 LCD (I2C equiped with PCF) and an SSR 10DA solid state relay to control
I wrote the code using the same 2x16 LCD display
The display is overloaded I am told, so, as I had a few logger parts left (TFT3"4 Arduino Mega), I also wrote a code for this version which I chose to finalize
Electric plate management project by PID regulation Version V1.
2 Thermocouple + Max 6675
1 TFT3"5 LCD display
2 Setpoint potentiometers (temperature to be reached)
Two electric hotplate management version
use PID-1.2.0 and MyAff35 library included in the zip.
Fashion compilation show all = Zero!
In this code, we configure the controller to use conservative tuning parameters (other code idem) when we are close to the set point and aggressive tuning parameters when we are further from it.
Display for cooking 1 and 2:
-Temperature measured by the thermocouple
-Setpoint, temperature value to reach
-Pwm in percentage (0->100 for 0->255)
-Bar graph for pwm
Security monitoring:
We check Bit 2 (thermocouple attached) and Bit 15 (+- sign) to validate sensor fault
A lock via (#define VERROU_TEMP_MAX) stops the PWM output if the Max temperature threshold is exceeded.
In this code, it is positioned at 250°C carrying out monitoring of the plate (maximum average temperature 180° 190°)
To unpack today, some code, and looking a little... to test quickly before I come back to bring you additional elements on connections and other information.
Merry Christmas to everyone
how to get a "waf" when it seems necessary. :)
soon the codes in mono and duo nano+lcd 2x16 mode but forgive me, it's Christmas...
Updates from the author
Arduino47 8 months ago
In the MyAff35 V2 library, adjust the choice of display use in config.h:
Atmega2560_Logger (0): -->> TFT display slotted on Arduino Board MEGA2560 Atmega2560_Logger (1): -->> TFT display associated with pins code same as PCB Logger Mise à jour de librairie MyAff35.La librairie d'origine aux projets de ce lab comprenant un TFT LCD 3"5a été rédigée pour les projets utilisants un pcb logger. (Grow Logger, Météo Logger, gestion de cuisson) Modification en librairie MyAff35 pour debugg pin mapping afficheur sur le Logger ou sur carte Arduino Mega2560. Dans la librairie MyAff35 V2, ajuster dans config.h le choix d'utilisation de l'afficheur :Atmega2560_Logger (0): -->> Afficheur TFT slotté sur Arduino Board MEGA2560Atmega2560_Logger (1): -->> Afficheur TFT associé aux pins code idem PCB Logger
Arduino47 1 year ago
Looking for some info on thermocouples, it seems best to connect the thermocouples earth of the electrical network
I have done this binding on my system which seems to eliminate the problem.
I noticed on the single probe version that there was sometimes a tiny spark (barely visible) when the thermocouple came into contact with the cooking plate.
Sur les enregistrments sd, j'ai constaté quelques décrochages de capteur (retourne -100)
En recherchant quelques infos sur les thermocouple, il semble préférable de connecter les - des thermocouple à la terre du réseau électrique.
J'ai réalisé cette liaison sur mon système qui semble éliminer le problème.
J'avais constaté sur la version mono sonde qu'il se produisait parfois une minuscule étincelles (à peine visible) losque le thermocouple entrait en contact avec la plaque de cuisson.
Arduino47 1 year ago
Mise en ligne des fichiers Kicad PCB Logger.
Arduino47 1 year ago
For my project, I used a grow logger PCB and a Mini pro2560.
Also, I updated this topic using an arduino mega2560 card and a tft3"5 display slotted on the Mega card.
When the display is slotted on the card, certain output is hidden by the surface of the LCD.
To connect certain elements on the card (potentiometer output on analog pins, pwm2 output),
It will be necessary to connect by soldering a start under the Arduino Mega card.
For connecting the thermocouples, the pins are accessible
While waiting for a diagram, here is something to help you.
#define CONS1 (A7) // Setpoint potentiometer input 1 cooking temperature °C 1
#define CONS2 (A9) // Setpoint potentiometer input 2 cooking temperature °C 2
#define PWM2 (46) // PWM output for mosFet 2 control
// Terminal block outside display
#define PWM1 (45) // PWM output for mosFet 1 control
#define CS1 (31) // CS output for the first thermocouple
#define SCK1 (33) // SCK output (clock) for the first thermocouple
#define MISO1 (35) // MISO input (data) for the first thermocouple
#define CS2 (37) // CS output for the second thermocouple
#define SCK2 (39) // SCK (clock) output for the second thermocouple
#define MISO2 (41) // MISO input (data) for the second thermocouple