Electronic device that measures the distance that separates the circuit from an obstacle using the ultrasound emitted by a sensor.
Electronic device that measures the distance that separates the circuit from an obstacle using the ultrasound emitted by a sensor, which when bouncing on the obstacle will return again, measuring the time that elapses between the moment in which the ultrasound is generated and the moment in the one that returns to the sensor, it is possible to calculate the distance that separates the sensor from the obstacle.
As a sensor, the SRF02 module is used, which contains everything necessary for the generation and detection of the ultrasonic signal, as well as the algorithm with which the distance is calculated, the result is delivered by the sensor through an I2C interface, being able to obtain the final measurement in centimeters as well as inches. By means of a PIC16F873 microcontroller the communication with the sensor is established to take the measurement, read the result thereof and perform the adjustment of the sensor, the result of the measurement is shown on a 16x2 LCD screen.
Attached schematic diagram and assembly code of the PIC.
Victor Hugo Pachon
HUGO Tecnologia
As a sensor, the SRF02 module is used, which contains everything necessary for the generation and detection of the ultrasonic signal, as well as the algorithm with which the distance is calculated, the result is delivered by the sensor through an I2C interface, being able to obtain the final measurement in centimeters as well as inches. By means of a PIC16F873 microcontroller the communication with the sensor is established to take the measurement, read the result thereof and perform the adjustment of the sensor, the result of the measurement is shown on a 16x2 LCD screen.
Attached schematic diagram and assembly code of the PIC.
Victor Hugo Pachon
HUGO Tecnologia
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