The LPC812-mini is a small (34mm x 22mm) prototype board for an NXP LPC812M101FDH20FP processor, which is based on a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller core with 16 kB flash and 4 kB SRAM. The LPC812M101FDH20FP is a rather cheap ARM Cortex-M0+ device, suited well for low end sensor and control applications. All 20 pins of the processor are brought to solder pins with 0.1" spacing. The board provides a 6-pin connector which adapts to the commonly used 3.3V FTDI USB-to-serial adapters. An inexpensive PIC PIC12LF1501 microcontroller in an SOIC-8 package is used as a reset controller to turn on the bootstrap loader of the LPC812 to reprogram the flash memory. Schematics are done in an initial version and PCBs are currently in production. At the moment, I'm waiting for the NXP processor devices to arrive (time of delivery TBD). Program development will be done using NXPs Eclipse toolchain. To program the NXP device, an adapted version of a download program written in Python will be used.