The Dreamliner Project

The meltdown of the Li-ion battery on the Boeing 787 that grounded now 50 planes worldwide is turning Boeing's dreamline into a nightmare. The choice for Li-ion batteries is obvious: high energy, lightweight and quick charge/discharge make them very suitable for use in planes. The backdrop is also clear - Li-ion cells are trouble makers and we as electronic engineers know why… don't we?
The meltdown of the Li-ion battery on the Boeing 787 that grounded now 50 planes worldwide is turning Boeing's dreamline into a nightmare. The choice for Li-ion batteries is obvious: high energy, lightweight and quick charge/discharge make them very suitable for use in planes. The backdrop is also clear - Li-ion cells are trouble makers and we as electronic engineers know why… don't we?
If you really know why and if you have ideas or suggestions of how to get the Dreamliner's Li-ion problems solved, please tell us about it. What is a typical safety circuit you might expect? How to dimension Li-ion batteries, and more important, are Li-ion batteries really safe enough?
Discussion (12 comments)
ClemensValens 11 years ago
2013-02-05t112709z-2-cbre9140u7x00-rtroptp-2-boeing-dreamliner-japan.JPG (31kb)
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KappesBuur 11 years ago
Couldn't the slipstream be used to power a dynamo which then provides the plane with enough electricity.
I remember as a kid I had a dynamo on my bicycle. Worked great. :-)
Raymond_Vermeulen 12 years ago
wh 11 years ago
Hi All, many thanks for your contributions so far. I am reading interesting comments on this subject. We don't have any access to circuit diagrams or more specific information on temperature conditions or vibrations. I also hear rumors the Li-On technology is just not stable enough for use in planes or to pass through all the security checks. But, let's focus on the electronics part of this - what minimal sensors would be required to make a real save system with Li-On batteries... temperature, humidity, vibrations, usage in terms of current, voltage and cycles.. we will probably end up with a complete computer system! Perhaps every Li-ON battery must be equipped with its own linux distribution to make this all run.
keep your ideas coming - appreciated
Wisse Hettinga
drovenier 11 years ago
as pointed out by Occam49, it is mandatory to know some more informations. I don't know if they are available, or aren't to the general public but available and can be shared, but they are very important and, among the others, there are:
1) electrical dimension of the whole pack, e.g. nominal voltage, nominal capacity;
2) cycle of usage: approximate time evolution of the standard utilization of the pack, with the surge, burst, etc... that is requested;
3) approximate time evolution of all the external ambient parameter at least of temperature, vibrations and air pressure;
4) if the pack is, or has to be, redundant at cell level;
(I did not mentioned other data I just found by myself reading the newspapers/Internet; nor other data that are directly related to others available, like from the chemistry we are able to know max/min voltages and so on).
Abovementioned parameters are needed in order to model the battery pack ad a first level.
Then, other informations are required in order to better dimension the pack and the electronics: these are mainly mechanical dimension and weight of the requested pack;
As an example of a request: battery pack, chemistry Li-Ion-Cobalt, 30 volt nominal, 50 Ah nominal;
pack typical cycle 30' @ 77°F idle (500 mA for the electronics), then 10 x 0.5 sec (separate 3 sec) 30A burst @ 77°F, then 6h @ 5°F external temperature and 2A mean drain, then 1h @ 113°F 3 A. Charge available (up to 1C, to be managed) in the third and fourth stage of utilization. Temperature cycle as stated, pressure during 1st stage, 2nd and 4th 1000mmHg, 3rd stage 300mmHg, vibrations 0-100 Hz in every stage is ___ (1st and 2st stage is low, 3rd and 4th stage most), pack has to be redundant at cell level, mechanical max dimension (mostly to undestand where to put the electronics) 1 ft x 1 ft x 10 in, weight max 30 lbs.
Numbers are just as an example.
Are these data available for the packs that had the troubles?
Thanks and best regards.
Capper 11 years ago
All electronics in a critical safety system would have required a Failure Mode and Effects Analysis or FMEA. This document can be many hundreds of pages long and would discuss in detail all of the possible failure modes of each component of the battery and the effects of these on the system. All failure modes that could be serious would have then required failure mode testing to determine probability of detection. If the probability of detection is low, then the engineers would have designed an acceptable method of detection. The bottom line - either the particular failure mode for this system was not thought of by the design engineers, or several failures occured at the same time such that the detection mechanism was also disabled. An example would be a high-powered radio or other EMI device coupling electronic noise on critical wires monitoring the battery or controlling the charging system.
Capper 11 years ago
Occam49 11 years ago
Need specs, schematics, BOM and telemetry data from the battery units ... without this we are wasting out time here playing silly guessing games
iwhobbit 11 years ago
Some years ago I came across an innovative battery technology from Altairnano ( They showed a demo video on their website that demonstrated their battery's iimproved immunity to catching fire. Not sure of all the details, but it might be worth contacting them.
Mike Sells
Ivo Krieg 11 years ago
Intrinsic safety (IS) is the acseptens of
murphy's law.
for example:
spred the cells, use two makes of setups, Use also mechanik surveillance, use the same setup in cars....
And first of all be honest.
Because the setup exploded already in the factury. As reported.
Emploi the experts of Endless-sphere, Teslar, and TWIKE
Dont give up
Ivo Krieg 12 years ago
Roland3 11 years ago
You can design the best battery controler of the world, it can always gets troubles. It's only electronics !. You can't change the battery caracteristics.
I propose to change the batteries for LiFe batteries which are more tolerant in case of charging errors and less temperature sensitive.
Roland3 11 years ago
You can design the best battery controler of the world, it can always gets troubles. It's only electronics !. You can't change the battery caracteristics.
I propose to change the batteries for LiFe batteries which are more tolerant in case of charging errors and less temperature sensitive.
Ivo Krieg 12 years ago
NECV20 11 years ago
Normally safety circuits shut a battery down to protect it.
But this is very nasty in mid-air flight, to be without electrical power for steering and instruments.
So we may need to override the safety - a broken battery is less a problem then a crashed plane.
Ivo Krieg 12 years ago
Raymond_Vermeulen 11 years ago
Floris 12 years ago
Ivo Krieg 12 years ago
NECV20 12 years ago
Michael Mader 12 years ago
Floris 12 years ago