
It's a clock and a thermometer that show time and temperature in a LCD display, but It also can say the time and temperature when you make a sound.

It’s a clock with calendar and digital thermometer controlled by the PIC16F876 microcontroller, based on the DS1307 integrated circuit that performs the clock and calendar function, and the LM35 temperature sensor that is read with the A/D converter of the micro. With the possibility of "saying" the time and temperature when a strong and dry sound is produced, such as a clap, the DFR0299 MP3 player module contains the necessary voice files that are played in the order that the established by the microcontroller to form the phrase to be reproduced. It has a sound detector through a microphone, an amplifier and a comparator made with the AO MC33202, and a pulse shaper with the CD4013 flip-flop as a timer. The information is also displayed in a 2X16 LCD module.