Magnetic Levitation the Easy Way
Two similar DIY magnetic levitation projects from designer Peter Neufeld are presented on the Elektor Labs pages, in both cases a Lego figure that floats in the air. Both work on the same principle: the strength of a magnetic field between an electromagnet and a neodymium magnet is measured with a Hall-sensor and the electromagnet is controlled depending on this measured value. The difference between the projects is in the control circuit: the first is “hardware only” and uses an analog comparator, while in the second a M5Stack Atom ESP32 Pico microcontroller module is used.
Component list
Component list
R1 = 4k7
R2 = 18 k
R3 = 220 k
R4,R6 = 220 Ω
R5* = 1k2
R7 = 470 Ω
RV1 = 20 k multiturn trimmer
C1 = 47 µ, 10 V radial
C2 = 100 n
D1 = 1N4001
D2*,D5 = red LED
D3 = white LED
D4* = not mounted (or remove from relay board)
Q1* = BC550
U1 = Hall sensor A1302 or A1308 (Allegro)
U2 = LM311 comparator
5V relay board *
SW1 = slide switch
Neodymium disk magnets*
*= see text
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